
Descriere Arrivals

As a new wave of guests arrive at the White Lotus, resort manager Armond tries to assuage an unreasonable Shane and his easy-going new wife Rachel, while spa director Belinda calms a grieving Tanya. Meanwhile, Nicole suggests her husband Mark distract himself from a health scare by spending time with their son Quinn, who’s been cast out by his sister Olivia and her friend Paula.

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  1. iad'aici spune:

    Spre deosebire de admin, caruia ii apreziez munca depus si ii multumesc, serialul este o satira adusa oamenilor bogati. O comedie neagra daca vreti. Discrepanta dintre problemele oamenilor bogati si cele ale celor mai putin bogati.

  2. admin spune:

    Eu, ca admin, nu am inteles nimic din filmul asta … va sugerez sa faceti pasi :))