Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009)


Genul Filmului: Comedie Dramă Romantic

Calitate Film: HD


Not really a ten! I just wanted to be the only one to put a ten. In reality this movie was bad! Really bad! I am very tired and unmotivated after seeing it, otherwise I would write a more specific review, but here goes a basic on why it is so bad.

The entire concept of this movie is just plain stupid! The main characters (The Morgans) see a murder. The entire reason that they were even walking around New York was stupid in the first place. It is dark out and some how the killer can identify the witness (Mrs Morgan) by seeing her on a poster. There is no way in hell that he could have recognized her! The main issue that I have with this movie is that all situations that cause the lead ups to a scene or situation are just ridiculous!

Although the majority of this movie is a very slow paced, some of the issues that should have been slow paced happened too quickly. For example, the killer recognizing Mrs Morgan so quickly, then finding her apartment so quickly. The FBI gave them details right away! Come on! Stuff just doesn’t happen that quickly.

Then wallah, they are on a plane and heading into hiding for a few days. In real life the these characters would not be given protective custody so quickly! I think that they would have been down at the police station looking at mug shots, etc trying to help the police identify the killer! So, in this movie it is the other way around. Everyone is running from the killer.

Although the movie was slow paced and there was absolutely no character development what so ever, it was filled with one unnecessary scene after another.

I was surprised in parts when I started to chuckle, looking around the theater no one was laughing. I really think it was because this movie was just so lame that it bored everyone to death! Thank god we cannot be sued for slander or defamation by voicing our comments on this site, because I really need to say save your money and avoid this movie. If your choice is to have a lobotomy or go see this movie I recommend having the lobotomy! LOL It really is „that bad!” Finally in closing, I was disgusted when near the end the protective custody agents that the Morgans were staying with went to the rodeo! Another far fetched incident thrown in to set up the next scene.

Anyways, I know that my review probably repeats or doesn’t detail enough, but bare with me, I just sat through the worst movie of my life! I am dead tired folks! Good luck at never seeing this garbage! BTW, I agree with some of the other postings, this was probably just a filler movie to fill someones slate, it cannot be serious!

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