
Descriere Episode #1.1

In Birmingham just after the Great War trenches veteran Thomas Shelby leads his gang, the Peaky Blinders, so named as they carry lethal razors in their peaked caps, who make money from illegal betting and the black market. Thomas, by mistake, appropriates a consignment of guns which have been stolen from the local arms factory and hard-nosed Inspector Campbell arrives from Ireland, charged by war minister Winston Churchill to recover it. Thomas’s aunt Polly urges him to return it but he sees the opportunity to use it to his advantage.

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  1. Gabriel spune:

    un episod de o ora il vezi in 3 in felul in care se incarca. Trist.

  2. Dani spune:

    Imposibil de vazut. Nu se incarca.

  3. Elena spune:

    Nu merge

  4. cac atisunteti spune:


  5. vergin spune:

    nnu pot sa vad cu sursa asta sub nic.un chip

    • SerialeNoi spune:

      Pana o sa schimbam la majoritatea serialelor, ne puneti spune ce probleme intampinati?

      • vergin spune:

        se incarca f .f greu…cu NETU.TV si celalta sursa vad fara probleme…( laptop…chrome) o sa astept pina adaugati celelalte surse…multumesc !!!!!

        • SerialeNoi spune:

          Statistic vorbind, cu sursa openload ar trebui sa se incarce cel mai rapid – aveti cumva extensii de tip adblock?

          • vergin spune:

            nu stiu ce se,ntimpla ,dar de aseara de cind am lasat putut sa urmaresc fara probleme cu openlood…si astazi la fel…spor la treaba adm!!!si multumesc pentru promtitudinea raspunsurilor!!!

          • andrei spune:

            la mine merge foarte greu..trb sa ast sa se incarce