Another Life (2019)
Status serial:Anulat

Descriere Another Life (2019)

Another Life centers on astronaut Niko Breckinridge who is focused on searching for alien intelligence. She leads a crew on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact. As Niko and her young crew investigate, they face unimaginable danger on what might very well be a one-way mission.

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  1. alex spune:

    Pierdere de timp si bani. Pacat ca se finanteaza asa ceva si nu scenarii mai serioase. Multumesc administratorului acestui site !

  2. Soc spune:

    Poveste interesanta, dar punerea in scena este prea artificiala , abandonez dupa primul episod….. have funn !

  3. mihai spune:

    promitator serialul