Deputy (2020)
Status serial:Anulat

Descriere Deputy (2020)

When the Los Angeles County’s Sheriff dies, an arcane rule forged back in the Wild West thrusts the most unlikely man into the job: a fifth-generation lawman, more comfortable taking down bad guys than navigating a sea of politics, who won’t rest until justice is served.

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  1. mona spune:

    din 5 seriale am nimerit ceva deosebit si super,,,Deputy cand urmeaza urmatoarele seriale ca deja mi-e dor de serif…

  2. mona spune:

    fenomenal nr13.nenorocitii din politica si toate domeniile asta fac,nemernicii….la puscarie cu ei.Doar cei capabili si incoruptibili trebuie sa existe in toate domeniile