Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger (2018)
Status serial:Anulat

Descriere Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger (2018)

This is an adaptation of the beloved Marvel characters whose story is aimed squarely at young adults. This live-action interracial romance follows Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson, two teenagers from very different backgrounds, who find themselves burdened and awakened to newly acquired superpowers while falling in love. Tandy can emit light daggers and Tyrone has the ability to engulf others in darkness. They quickly learn they are better together than apart – but their feelings for each other make their already complicated world even more challenging. „Marvel’s Cloak and Dagger” is a co-production of Marvel Television and ABC Signature Studios.

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  1. robi spune:

    undei sesonul 3

  2. Madalina spune:

    Ve ti mai face și sezonul 3 ? ??

  3. Eliro spune:

    Câte episoade o să aibă?

  4. Cosmin spune:

    Cand apar si celelalte episoade?

  5. Robert spune:

    Cand apare episodul 8 ?

  6. Gabriel spune:

    Când apare subtitrarea în romana la episodul 4???

  7. Stefana Tiron spune:

    Dar episoade noi ?

    • fsagaga spune:

      Apar saptamanal episoade noi, nu stiu cat de repede le vrei. scrie marvel’s cloak%dagger episodes pe google si vezi cand apare fiecare.

  8. Eva Sinai spune:

    pe cand subtitrarea in romana?

  9. Alina spune:

    Când apare subtitrarea în romana??